Wednesday, 9 February at 15.00 Manila/Beijing time (14.00 in Jakarta, 12.30 in Delhi)
( Climate-induced migration is receiving more and more attention. In the past year alone, millions of people in Asia and Australia have been displaced by severe weather events linked to climate change, some temporarily and others permanently,
giving an indication of what is to come as extreme weather events grow in number.
The new face of climate change has become vulnerable people confronted with the daunting task of either struggling to make a living in an area where disaster is almost certain to strike again, or seeking a new life in uncertain conditions, such as mega cities already struggling to cope with rising population.
You are invited to join a live online chat with two climate change specialists on Wednesday, 9 February 2011, 15.00 Manila/Beijing time (14.00 in Jakarta, 12.30 in Delhi) to discuss key issues shaping the climate-induced migration debate. Please register for the online discussion 20 minutes before the event. The webchat
panel will provide deeper insight into issues that will shape this important public policy challenge.
Robert Dobias, Head of ADB’s Climate Change Program Coordination Unit, and François Gemenne, Research Fellow at the Paris-based Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI), will answer your questions on climate change and migration.
Click here for more information about the live online discusson »