Posted by Kayly Ober on March 14th, 2012 |
(AlertNet) March 13, 2012- Disaster-prone Asia Pacific will see a surge in climate-induced migration this century and governments need to start planning to avoid humanitarian crises caused by millions of people fleeing their homes, a new report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) warned Tuesday. Migration linked to climate change, a phenomenon that will “only […]
Posted by Dan DaSilva on August 18th, 2010 |
This is a great blog post I found on The Hill’s Congress Blog. It is by Alice Thomas, Climate Displacement Programme Manager for Refugees International, and encapsulates the Pakistan crisis with a climate change and migration viewpoint. (The Hill’s Congress Blog) August 18, 2010 – The devastating floods in Pakistan have claimed the lives of […]
Posted by Kayly Ober on July 12th, 2010 |
(Reuters) July 12, 2010 – Rising seas from global warming, coming after years of coral reef destruction, are forcing thousands of indigenous Panamanians to leave their ancestral homes on low-lying Caribbean islands. Seasonal winds, storms and high tides combine to submerge the tiny islands, crowded with huts of yellow cane and faded palm fronds, leaving […]
Posted by Kayly Ober on June 22nd, 2010 |
The World Wildlife Fund established the Climate Prep blog to “define climate change adaptation through illustrations of on the ground adaptation projects and scientific adaptation studies, explorations of adaptation concepts, and tracking firsthand the progress of adaptation in the international policy arena.” This is especially pertinent to the field of climate change-induced migration, as the […]
Posted by Kayly Ober on June 12th, 2010 |
edToolbar() (Displacement Solutions) June 10, 2010 – Extreme climate events – be it the result of environmental destruction by people, or naturally occurring changes in cl imate – are forcing people to flee their traditional place of residence with enormous sufferings in points of transit and the points of destination without any support from aid […]
Posted by Kayly Ober on January 4th, 2010 |
(The New Republic) January 4, 2010 – Joanna Kakissis has a nicely reported piece in The New York Times today on climate-driven migration in developing countries. The concept’s pretty simple: As the planet heats up, many regions are expected to see more frequent (and more severe) floods, droughts, and storms, which will uproot a bunch […]