On September 21, 2011, the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague will host the symposium “Climate Change, Conflict, and Migration: The Water Context,” which will serve as a platform
to discuss the links between climate change, water stress, migration, and conflict from a human security perspective. The discussion will revolve around capacity building and resilience in hotspots, conflict prevention, and a (international) legal framework of protection of environmental migrants.
- Mr Marius Enthoven – Chairman, Alliance for UPEACE
- Mr Rolain Borel – Head, Department of Environment, Peace and Security, University of Peace (UPEACE), Costa Rica
- Mr Muniruzzaman, Major General (ret) – President, Bangladesh Institute for Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS), Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Mr Tamer Afifi – Associate Academic Officer, United Nations University, Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Bonn, Germany
Panel, chaired
by Mr Wouter Veening (Institute for Environmental Security):
- Ms Thanh-Dam Truong – Associate Professor of Women, Gender and Development, ISS, The Netherlands
- Ms Michele Nori – Programme
Officer, EuropeAID European Commission, Belgium
- Mr Maarten Kappelle – Chief Conservation Officer for Biodiversity, WWF Netherlands, The Netherlands
Introductions by:
- Mr Joost van der Aalst – Chief of Mission, International Organisation for Migration, The Hague, The Netherlands
- Mr Wybe Douma – Senior Researcher, T.M. Asser Institute, The Hague, The Netherlands
A panel of experts with field experience will illustrate practical problems and solutions related to water availability and the protection against droughts and floods.
Click here for more information.