Researchers’ Workshop on Climate-Induced Migration & Policy Responses to Climate-Induced Migration in Asia and the Pacific: Regional Conference
Manila, Philippines, 14 – 16
September 2011
Asia and the Pacific will be amongst the global regions most affected by the impacts of climate change. Countries of the region are particularly vulnerable because of a high degree of exposure to environmental risks and large population. In recent years, Asia and the Pacific has undergone massive and rapid socioeconomic transformation.
Migration within countries, especially from rural to urban areas, has become significant. Countries and populations of Asia and the Pacific will be affected by climate change in different ways, leading to
various migration scenarios. Cross-border migration is likely to increase. Already, the region is home to the most important source of international migrants worldwide.
In 2010, more than 30 million people in Asia and the Pacific were displaced by environmental disasters, such as storms and floods. Many returned home, but others did not. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of extreme weather events, and over time induce significant sea-level rise. At the same time, the region’s population, now around 4 billion, continues to increase. These developments will result in growing numbers of people on the move for reasons that include environmental factors.
ADB Events
In September 2010, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) launched a technical assistance project to develop policy recommendations to address climate-induced migration in Asia and the Pacific. The project is also considering options to finance actions related to climate-induced migration. This unique project aims to stimulate thinking and action by concerned stakeholders and decision-makers on the local, national, regional, and global levels.
On 14 September 2011, ADB will organize a full-day workshop for researchers of environmental displacement and climate-induced migration in Asia and the Pacific. The workshop will bring together individuals exploring these phenomena in several countries in the region. The aim is to share research findings, compare approaches and methodologies, exchange contacts and references, and forge a new professional network. The workshop is expected to bring together researchers from the whole Asia-Pacific region and others interested in their work.
Then, on 15-16 September 2011, ADB will host a one and a half day regional conference to present its initial policy recommendations for addressing migration associated with current environmental events and predicted environmental changes. The conference will assemble leading experts and decision makers from different disciplines. Representatives of governments, inter-governmental organizations, development agencies, NGOs, the private sector, and academe are expected to participate in the event, including researchers who attended the earlier workshop.
These events are likely to be the largest-ever gathering of researchers of environmental displacement and climate-induced migration in the world’s largest and most populous region. The Honorable Mohamed Aslam, Minister of Housing, Transport and Environment, Maldives, will deliver the keynote address at the regional conference. Among the research institutions and international agencies participating in the program will be the Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, ICHIMOD, IDDRI, International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration, PIK, Swedish Environmental Institute, UNHCR, and the UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security.
The events will raise awareness of the environment as a driver of migration, opportunities to use migration as a tool of adaptation to climate change, and the need
for governments and international agencies to act now to reduce human vulnerability and risk associated with environmental displacement.
If you would like to attend these events, contact Ms. Chet Japson at email; telephone +632 632-4444; or fax +632 636 2409.