Here is a quick update regarding the latest round of the UNFCCC Climate Change Talks. About 2,500 international delegates from 180 countries just wrapped up the 12-day talks in Bangkok, with the goal to narrow down the 200-page draft agreement to something
more manageable for the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen this December. This agreement will be the successor the expiring Kyoto Protocol global climate deal.
There are now two entries in the latest version of the negotiating text relating to climate change and human mobility. The entries call on nations to implement and finance plans to adapt to climate change by accounting for possible migrations. The first is now found on page 38 in paragraph 26(f) and is as follows:
(f) [[Means to protect] [Activities related to national and international [migration of]
[displacement of] [planned relocation of] [responses to]] [climate [refugees] [migrants]]
[persons] [individuals and peoples] [displaced by] [affected by] [extreme climate events]
[the [adverse] impact of climate change].]]
The other entry is on page 41 in paragrapgh 35(q) and reads as follows:
(q) [Activities related to national and international migration and displacement or planned relocation of persons affected by climate change.]]
There has not been much progress made from the previous version of the text, as both are still bracketed which means it’s still flagged for approval by Parties. Addressing the media on the final day of the Bangkok session, executive secretary of the UNFCCC Yvo de Boer spoke of a constructive two weeks of talks, and said that “all the ingredients for a successful outcome in Copenhagen are on the table”. However, there is no guarantee as of yet, that the entry relating to climate migration will remain in the final agreement. The last session before Copenhagen will be held from November 2-6 in Barcelona.