Approximately 4,500 participants, including delegates from 181 countries met in Barcelona on November 2-6 to take part in the last round of the UNFCCC Climate Change Talks before the upcoming and historic UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (COP15) in less than 2 weeks.
In front of them was the current revised version of the draft agreement (negotiating text) which was to be further streamlined and narrowed down for a possible international deal on climate change adaptation, mitigation, financing, and technology transfer. The text which came out of the session has recently been publicly released on the UNFCCC website.
The two entries in the “Adaptation” section relating to human mobility have been unbracketed from the previous draft texts, which means it has been agreed on to be included in the current 174-page text to be finalized at COP15. The first entry is found on page 38, paragraph 12(c) and reads as follows:
12. To enhance adaptation action at international level, all Parties [shall] [should] [may] implement specific programmes, projects, activities, strategies and measures, including:
(c) Activities related to national, regional and international migration and displacement or planned relocation of persons affected by climatechange, while acknowledging the need to identify modalities of inter-state cooperation to respond to the needs of affected populations who either cross an international frontier as a result of, or find themselves abroad and are unable to return owing to, the effects of climate change;
The other entry is on page 56, paragraph 13(b) and reads as follows:
13. All Parties [shall] [should] jointly undertake action under the Convention to enhance adaptation at the international level, including through:
(b) Activities related to migration and displacement or planned relocation of persons affected by climate change, while acknowledging the need to identify modalities of interstate cooperation to respond to the needs of affected populations who either cross an international frontier as a result of, or find themselves abroad and are unable to return owing to, the effects of climate change.
The advances made in this draft agreement from last UNFCCC talks on the recognition and protection of the rights of people who become displaced or forced to migrate due to the effects of climate change are monumental. It is now up to Parties at COP15 to determine whether this entry will remain in the final treaty, as well as being signed on to itself. Leave a comment below regarding what you think the outcome will be at COP15.
Although the issue of climate refugees will not be fully addressed at Copenhagen…I still foresee a deal taking place!