Photo credit: Media That Matters Film Fesitval
There are two films that you should be aware of if you are following the journey of the Cataret Islanders and their ongoing relocation to nearby Bougainville. The Next Wave is a short documentary that received a Jury Award at the Ninth Annual Media that Matters Film Festival. Produced by Jennifer Redfearn and Tim Metzger, The Next Wave “presents the human face of climate change and a people faced with the loss of a land in which their identity is rooted. It is a portrait of a community and a critical moment in history.” You can read more about The Next Wave and watch the trailer here.
The Next Wave is a short version of the film Sun Come Up, which is a longer-work-in progress. Sun Come Up “follows the relocation of some of the world’s first climate change refugees – the Carteret Islanders, a matrilineal community living on an island chain, 50 miles off the coast of Papua New Guinea” (suncomeup.com). You can watch the trailer of Sun Come Up here.