How to Halt Desertification

Desertification is estimated to affect over 2 billion people in 140 countries if left unchecked, many of whom would be forced to move hundreds of miles to find usable land. So how do we stop desertification? The UN Dispatch says: Build a wall made out of sand and bacteria! Build a giant wall. 6,000 kilometers […]

Podcast: Native Americans Lose Land to Rising Sea Levels

Over the next century, rising sea levels will transform coastlines all over the world. According to global reports, the impact will be felt the hardest in such places as Bangledesh and the low-lying Pacific Islands. buy propecia generic However, America is also at risk from the effects of the rising waters. A study which was […]

Two Films About the Carteret Islanders

There are two films that you should be aware of if you are following the journey of the Cataret Islanders and their ongoing relocation to nearby Bougainville. The Next Wave is a short documentary that received a Jury Award at the Ninth Annual Media that Matters Film Festival. Produced by Jennifer Redfearn and Tim Metzger, […]

Photography: ‘A Tale of Paradise Lost’

[Agence VU] In the last 10 years, farmers like Hatem Ali have had to disassemble and move their tin-and-bamboo houses five times to escape the encroaching waters of the huge Brahmaputra River in Kurigram. This river is swollen out of all proportion by severe monsoon that scientists attribute to global warming and melting ice in […]

Podcast: UN Expert Explains Environmentally Induced Migration

In a recent interview with the International Relations and Security Network (ISN), Dr. Koko Warner, Head of Environmental Migration, Social Vulnerability & Adaptation Section at the UN University (UNU-EHS), explains the term “environmentally induced migrant” and confirms that action is needed to assist people being affected by climate change. canada online pharmacy levitra Dr. Warner […]

Journey to the Sinking Lands

The people of the Carterets Islands, off the coast of Papua New Guinea, are beginning a migration that is likely to continue for years to come. They are relocating to Bouganville, a larger island about 50 miles away across the open sea. The rising sea-levels around their island home has made it impossible to remain […]